Spot X was recently commissioned to put together a custom tow/drop camera system for an environmental consultancy with some unique requirements. Given the use case and data required to be collected, Spot X proposed a tow system based on the ArduSub framework, typically used on underwater ROVs or AUVs. The system consists of a Pixhawk flight computer, Raspberry Pi companion computer, and "Homeplug" ethernet converter, resulting in a product with an impressive list of features:
full HD 1080P tiltable low-light camera
dual dimmable 1500 lumen lights
depth/temperature/heading sensors
GPS overlay
detachable tether for easy transport and storage
100/300m depth rating options
6900 mAh battery for >3 hours continuous use, even longer with lights dimmed
integrated switch for full power shutoff without opening the enclosure
mounted on a Spot X Underwater Vision sled with plenty of space for additional payload
all viewed/controlled on a PC running QGroundControl
With the interest and demand created for the product, we have decide to include it on our website as a stock item. Get in touch if you would like more info or request a quote at